Good ergonomics helps people to perform better. In an office environment, besides furniture, desk height, climate controls, windows, having the good light is paramount. Good Lighting, preferably in the form of a daylight system, has been scientifically proven to increase productivity.
Light expert Maarten Loerakker: “In a workstation analysis, ‘light’ generally doesn’t play a prominent role. Making sure that the lighting complies with the standard value is about as far as it goes. That’s a great shame, because there are many gains to be had. For the party purchasing the light and the staff working in it”.
Greater wellbeing and higher productivity
How can you use lighting to have people perform to best effect at work? In the Netherlands we generally work under striplights, which literally provide a mass of light. Many people complain about that amount of light, and justifiably so if we consider our visual system, our eyes and how it is all processed in our brains.
With natural light that fits in with our physiology and biology, we simply feel more comfortable. It just suits us. This translates directly into fewer complaints: reduced eye problems, tension headaches and concentration problems. And consequently, less sickness absence. Daylight systems, such as those designed by Loerakker, prevent irritation and discomfort, support the biorhythms of working people and contribute to higher productivity.
Clients’ experiences
We never realised how poorly lit our office space was. Until the fitters of Loerakker came to hang the luminaires: what an incredible difference. So much calmer for your eyes, so much more comfortable. Ideal when you’re behind a Mac all day.
Conny Schot, de bakker | creative consultants
Experiences of ergonomics
We have been working with Maarten for a long time and we really enjoy working together. Because in more than 70% of the offices we visit in response to complaints, lighting plays a
Kent Visser, Visser, consultants in ergonomics
Are you an ergonomist? And would you like to partner with lighting expert Loerakker?
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Three simple principles for a good lighting system
1. We would all love to be a in ‘cloud of light’
Like the natural daylight outside. Without strong cast shadows, just diffuse light all around. Daylight systems approximate this light in the best possible way. They get the best out of ourselves.
2. Eyes work by the grace of variety
When they have nothing to do, we fall asleep. So we supplement diffuse light with illuminated, direct light: we keep it lively, not dull. It makes it easier to stay focused on your work.
3. A good balance between hard and soft light: working with major contrasts is not comfortable
Your eyes need to work too hard and you become uncomfortable: dry eyes, tension headaches. So we work with a customised system for every specific room that, if needs be, changes with the amount of daylight that comes in.
Would you like to know what you can do now?
Get informed about the implications of correct (and incorrect!) Lighting for your people and their performance by light expert Loerakker.
Dim strong light sources
Do you suffer from dry eyes and tension headaches? We often blame the climate-control system of the office, or a bad night. However, this is just as easily caused by light that is too strong. Our eye automatically looks for the strongest light source and then returns to the screen. If we do this continuously, and we do because it is automatic, you build up plenty of tension in your eye muscles, those muscles strain other muscles in turn, and before you know it you have a pounding headache. So dim lights that are too strong.
Reduce contrasts
The same happens when the contrast in the room is too great. With direct light, such as striplights, there are many shadows. Your eyes work even harder, because they are constantly moving to bridge the differences.